Honey, I need your help…
Aww, those five little words. I know I’ve used them before, and I’ve certainly heard them too. As a rancher’s wife, I never quite know what will come at the end of that sentence, but that’s kind of a good thing. It’s never dull around here, and I rather enjoy getting called out from behind my desk to head outside and help. Some days it’s blocking the road while they move cows, other days it’s tagging new calves or an even messier job-helping pull a calf. Today, it was help moving a pivot.
On this particular summer day—yes I do realize we’re heading in to fall—but we’re catching up around here. It was a beautiful day. The hubby dropped me off at the box, gave me my instructions and headed off. I have helped with this task before, but never on this particular pivot, so I was pretty enthralled by my view. One thing I’ve always taken note of is the topography of the great state of Idaho. Being a western Kansas girl, I came from the flat country surrounded by row crops (still a beautiful view in itself, but definitely different from here).
I watched as the pickup bumped off toward the other end of the pivot, slowly disappearing. Good thing for cell coverage as soon my phone rang and he walked me through moving it forward and backward to get it going again. We had to get it moving out of the way as they were cutting the hay that day. Normally this isn’t a two person job, but today teamwork was needed and it paid off.

Yes, incredible view from here. An quiet too. I could hear the low hum of the swather motor in the distance, but other than that it was completely still and quiet out there.

As I was waiting for the phone call, I noticed the swather making another slice through the tall teff grass.
Now, I wonder if the hubby will have as much fun helping me with the dishes tonight….
~ M
Maggie and her husband raise their four children and registered cattle on his family’s southwest Idaho ranch. As a family, they enjoy sports, showing cattle, 4-H, church and other activities when not working on the ranch. She likes to experiment with recipes in the kitchen, shares her love of sweets through baking with her children and has been known to start a DIY project every now and then. Sometimes she actually finishes one.