My First County Fair ~ Day 2
Yesterday was weigh-in day at the fair. First, we had to go to school registration for 4th grade.
Then we rushed home to give Charlie his last bath at home. He was mostly clean because we’ve been washing him a lot. But his hooves were covered solid in poop because we’ve had so much rain this month and his corral is really messy. It took a lot of work to clean his hooves today. (We had to chisel at them with a screwdriver).
When we loaded Charlie in the trailer, he didn’t really like it. He kept moving around. Unloading him, he was fine. Then we took him to his spot in the barn. A little while later, we weighed him in. He weighed 1,218 pounds.
There was a meeting a couple hours later about how the steer shows would work and what we’re supposed to do. Then I finally had a lunchable for dinner because we were super hungry and we didn’t want to wait until we got home so late.
I was tired and needed to get to bed; I had to get up at 5:50 in the morning (augh!) so I could go back to the fairgrounds and feed my steer.
Stay tuned to read more about my week at the fair.