Tag: Idaho Cattlewomen

Women in Ag: Cattle Industry Champion, Ramona Karas

Ramona Ridley Karas was raised on a farm in Marsing, Idaho. Upon graduation Ramona participated in the Lions Club exchange program and spent two months in a rural town in Australia. After returning home, she attended college at Boise State University while working at US Bank for 10 years. She met and married Buster Ridley and had a daughter, Sierra.  Living on the ranch is when she began working at Simplot Livestock, where she’s worked for almost 24 years, holding various positions, but now serving as Marketing Solutions Manager of Simplot Land & Livestock. Ramona now lives in Nampa and is married to Brandon Karas, who also works in the agriculture industry. During Ramona’s tenure with Simplot, she has served our local communities in many capacities, volunteering with Canyon County Boys & Girls Club; Canyon County Festival of Trees; Agribusiness Chamber Member and class volunteer for the Grand View Grade School.

We would also like to point out that Ramona has served on the Idaho Cattle Association’s Board of Directors for the past 21 years, where she has held the position of Feeder Council Chairman; Cow-Calf Chairman; Director at Large; Allied Industry Chairman; PAC Committee; CALF Board and Convention Committee.

How are you involved in agriculture today? I work for one of the largest agribusiness companies in Idaho—Simplot. I am currently the Marketing Solutions Manager for Simplot Land & Livestock. We have one of the largest cow-calf operations and feedlots in the U.S. and farm approximately 70,000 acres. We also distribute animal health products, seed, supplies, equipment, and manufacture feed and mineral for the dairy and beef industries. I’m proud of our commitment to help every aspect of the cattle industry raise quality animals

How has your life been shaped by agriculture? I grew up on a farm, where we raised mostly corn, alfalfa seed and pasture for grazing. We ran some yearlings in the summertime and I participated in 4-H with a steer until I graduated from high school. I loved horses, but my father always said they were “hay burners,” so I couldn’t have one. Finally I had a bet with my dad that if I won All -Around Showman of the Owyhee County Fair, he would have to buy me a horse! I loved that horse for the rest of my high school years, and even ended up taking Horse 4-H as well! Being raised on the farm, you learn to rise with the sun, work all day and sometimes not go to bed until long after the sun has set. We sat down to the table at meals as a family and talked—no cell phones, no TV, just family talk. We were very scheduled: Lunch was always served at noon, dinner was at 6:30 and at 3:30 when we got off the bus, Grandma had something baked and everyone took a break for baked goods and coffee. Being raised in an agriculture environment taught me to be a dedicated worker, not looking at a clock to see if it was 5:00 and time to end the work day, but rather to look at a job and see what was needed to complete the task, timetable aside. It taught be to be flexible, that Mother Nature will be consistent—consistently changing. It taught me to have patience; good things come to those that toil.

Ramona and her daughter, Sierra Ridley-Palmer, during the 2014 ICA Annual Convention and Trade Show.

Ramona and her daughter, Sierra Ridley-Palmer, during the 2014 ICA Annual Convention and Trade Show.

Who inspires you or serves as a mentor? When I started at Simplot I knew much more about farming than I did cattle. Tom Basabe (President of Simplot Land and Livestock), my boss, took the time to teach me about feeding cattle: limited feeding method; rations; conversion rates; average daily gains, trials, and many other things I’d never heard of before. It was also the first time I ate a steak that was cooked medium and oh how great that was! My family had always cooked meat well done! Tom gave me responsibility to do my job, but always let me know he was there if needed. He helped me with my decision-making skills, taking responsibility, and being dedicated to the agricultural industry.

How do you provide encouragement to others? Laughter! As I’ve aged, I realize life isn’t that complicated.  My advice is don’t be too serious, and try to find humor and goodness in life’s everyday trials.

If given the chance, what message about agriculture or the beef industry would you share with a large group of people? I would challenge them to understand where their food really comes from. Not the grocery store, not the convenience store, but from the farm and ranches—both family and corporate owned. They need to realize that as the population increases we need to continue to improve our footprint to provide sustainability for future generations.

What are you most thankful for? I am most thankful for God who has blessed my life with so many wonderful things: a career in agriculture, a supportive family, an abundance of friends, good health, a sweet daughter and a loving husband.

What is your favorite meal to cook yourself or for others? Well, I love cooking, so that’s a hard one. I guess it would have to be that perfect New York steak, cooked medium rare, pan-seared in a cast iron skillet, finished in the oven, smothered with white wine cream sauce, caramelized onions and a bit of blue cheese sprinkled on top. Add a wedge salad topped with red onions, diced tomatoes, crisp bacon, blue cheese crumbles with a ranch/balsamic vinegar glaze and you are in heaven! And don’t forget the glass (or bottle) or earthly red wine. You don’t even have to have bread with this meal!

Ramona and her husband, Brandon, were married 11/12/13, in Sun Valley.

Ramona and her husband, Brandon, were married Nov. 12, 2013, in Sun Valley.

What is the first thing you do when you walk into a grocery store? I walk around the perimeter starting on the right (which is usually the fresh veggies), then dairy section (gotta have my cheese! And half and half for my coffee), then to the meat section, ending at the wine. I only go down the center isles if I need something else.

What are some of your favorite pastimes and/or hobbies?  I love cooking, traveling, camping, fishing, riding the Harley, skydiving, zip line, most anything with an element of danger.

What are three little known facts about you? 1) I took ballet lessons for seven years (hated every minute of it!). 2) I was a pro marksman (beating all the boys) in Junior High. 3) I love looking like a badass, wearing my leathers and riding the Harley!

Be sure to follow Ramona on Facebook!

Categories: Beef, Blogging, Idaho Cattlewomen, Ranch Life

Women in Ag: Rural-Loving Ranch Wife, Tay Brackett

Today’s Women in Ag feature, Tay Brackett, is a born and raised southern Idahoan! After graduating from the University of Idaho, Tay became somewhat of a Jack of All Trades—working as a firefighter, veterinary assistant, horse trainer, horse trader, and at one point, even sold insurance. Tay and her husband, Jared, recently welcomed their first child, Tap, earlier this year.

How are you involved in agriculture and/or beef industry today? I help out on my husband’s ranch, wherever I’m needed. I spend most of my time moving cows from one allotment to the next, administering vaccines at branding, or sorting yearlings, which happens to be my favorite.

How has your life been shaped by agriculture and/or beef industry? I have always loved animals! Like most girls, I was horse crazy as soon as I could say the word. When my sister and I were growing up, our aunt had cows; so that gave us the chance to ride, rope, swim horses across the Snake River, and even feed cows with a team of Belgians in the winter. All of that gave me a different perspective than other kids my age. I was always one to measure my success on how well I could move cows or train my horse, not by having the coolest clothes or the shiniest gadget. It gave me an independent spirit—I’m still never someone who is satisfied with the status quo or by staying indoors!

Who inspires you or serves as a mentor? I know it sounds corny, but my husband is my biggest mentor. He has worked cows his entire life, but continues to look for ways to accomplish a safer, more efficient, and less stressful way to manage cattle. He volunteers his time and resources to cattle industry supporters like the Idaho Cattle Association and Cattlemen’s Beef Board, organizations that shape the policies that will impact the future of how my family, and my son’s family, will continue to grow food for this nation.

How do you provide encouragement to others? Encouraging by example! When you’re happy, others will ask where that joy comes from! I also love making people feel better by making fun of or laughing at myself. And nothing can cheer up someone’s day like bringing them out to the ranch during branding season

Tay's husband, Jared, is a graduate of Texas A&M University, so the couple try to make it back as often as possible to catch a football game. Go Aggies!

Tay’s husband, Jared, is a graduate of Texas A&M University, so the couple try to make it back as often as possible to catch a football game. Go Aggies!

If given the chance, what message about agriculture or the beef industry would you share with a large group of people? I would want to remind people that agriculturalists were the first conservationists! We utilize a renewable resource, that would otherwise be wasted, to efficiently make thousands of products that are used by millions of people! If that isn’t good for the world, then I don’t know what is!

What are you most thankful for? I love that we get to live 40 miles from town, and are surrounded by cows and God’s Country! I see beautiful sunsets, harvest moons and countless bird’s right outside by front door. I’m thankful for getting to raise my son next door to his Nana, and that I get the chance to spend every day with my husband, doing what we both love.

What is your favorite meal to cook yourself or for others? Take-Out! Whenever we get the chance we usually grab pizza or good Thai food.

What is the first thing you do when you walk into a grocery store? Look for the exit.

What is your favorite childhood memory? Riding horses with my sister.

What are your guilty pleasures in life? Buying dog beds and eating Swiss rolls.

This gorgeous girl loves the fact that she and her husband live over 40 minutes from town!

This gorgeous girl loves the fact that she and her husband live over 40 minutes from town!

Favorite store to shop in? Brass Monkey! It’s downtown Twin Falls.

Favorite place to visit? McCall! I love the mountains and the smell of the forest.

What are three little known facts about you? 1) My nick name growing up was Tater Tot. 2) My first horse was named Nevada. 3) I flunked my 9th grade Astrology class, thinking I would never use it. Now, I look at the stars and wonder what their names are.

Categories: Beef, Blogging, Cattle, Idaho Cattlewomen, Ranch Life

Women in Ag: Fourth Generation Rancher, Sarah Helmick

Sarah Butler Helmick, was born and raised in Bliss on her family’s 4th generation purebred Angus ranch. Growing up, she was active in 4-H and FFA as well as the Idaho Junior Angus Association and the National Junior Angus Association. Sarah attended Casper College on a livestock judging scholarship and eventually became a 3rd generation University of Idaho Vandal, where she received a degree in Agriculture Science, Leadership and Communication. She is currently teaching Agriculture at Bliss High School. She and her husband, Chad, live and work on his family’s cow-calf and farming operation in Bliss where they develop the heifer calves through breeding and farm.

How are you involved in agriculture today? I am currently teaching Ag to students in Bliss, grades 7th-12th, and I also serve as the FFA advisor. My job has taught me just how removed our consumers are from the agriculture industry, even in a rural town! I try every day to help educate our youth about the agriculture industry and shed light onto any question they may have. I’m also co-advisor of the Idaho Junior Angus Association. My husband works alongside his parents on their cow-calf operation that spans from Mayfield to Bliss, and manages all of the farming. When I am not teaching or coaching an FFA team, I enjoy helping the family with whatever tasks that need done, whether it is putting up fence in the spring, feeding heifers, or my favorite, helping wean and bring cow’s home from the mountain. I have even been known to change a pesky wheel line (not my favorite job!) Also, as often as I can (and not near often enough) I help my parents at Spring Cove Ranch. My parents still manage a few cows of mine and I like to help them whenever I can. I enjoy helping my dad and brother sort through the bulls in preparation for our annual bull sale and helping mom with the bookwork.

How has your life been shaped by agriculture? Like most of the women featured, I was born into an agriculture family. I am the 4th generation to be involved in Spring Cove Ranch and I am very proud of that! Both sides of my family were very active in the agriculture industry, raising cattle and involved in organizations such as 4-H, Soil Conservation, Idaho Cattle Association and so on. This led to my passion for the 4-H and FFA programs. I am currently a leader in the 4-H program and enjoy helping young members get started in our industry. Growing up, I knew I would always want be involved in agriculture. My parents gave me my first registered heifer in 1993, Spring Cove Violet. From that one cow, my herd grew and so did my love for the beef industry. Being involved in the cattle business also taught me a lot about life. I learned skills that I know most kids these days are missing. I learned about life and death, success and failure. I learned about hard work and responsibility. This sort of “reality check” came early in life and shaped me into the person I am today.

Who inspires you or serves as a mentor? There are many people that inspire me on a daily basis. I have learned so much from my parents and am so grateful for them. They have pushed me to be the best version of myself, and because of them, I was able to grow up the best way possible—outside, and around Angus cattle! At a young age they instilled in me the importance of a good education and hard work; two aspects of life I haven’t forgotten. Their resilience and knowledge impresses me every day. As most people who know my family would tell you, I come from a long line of strong, independent women. Another inspiration to me was my great grandmother, Dorothy Agee. She married at 17 and moved to a ranch in the Middle of Nowhere, Nevada, where she raised cows and kids. She taught me lessons that I didn’t truly understand until I got married last year. Her advice on raising…errr…I mean… loving a husband is something I will forever cherish.

Chad and Sarah will be celebrating their first year of marriage this coming Sunday!

Chad and Sarah will be celebrating their first year of marriage this coming Sunday!

How do you provide encouragement to others? I always try to look on the bright side of things. I try to encourage my students to push themselves beyond their limits. A lot of the time, they don’t think they can do something, because no one around them ever has. For that reason, I try to encourage students to envision themselves being successful, and am the first to let them know that I believe in them. If we all tried our hardest, we would all be amazed at what we could achieve!

If given the chance, what message about agriculture or the beef industry would you share with a large group of people? I would LOVE the chance to show people what happens on the day-to-day happenings of a ranch. I truly think anyone who spends a day on the ranch with my father would immediately understand that we care for our cattle and the land. My dad’s passion for his cows and the land is contagious. I think that would help open their eyes to the fact that this industry is full of families, just like mine, who are committed to caring for the land. Idaho ranchers are true conservationists! We want the best for our livestock, and our land, and would never do anything to jeopardize the safety or health of either.

What are you most thankful for? I am thankful for my hardworking, loving husband who shares the same passion for the cattle industry as I do. I am thankful for my amazing family and friends. I am thankful for a school full of students who always keep me on my toes! And I am thankful for Idaho ranchers who care for our beautiful state while producing a delicious and nutritious product for the world!

What is your favorite meal to cook yourself or for others? Man, this has been a challenge for me! Growing up I would rather be outside helping dad than be inside cooking with mom. So needless to say, my husband has been a wonderfully patient guinea pig!  Thankfully with my genetics, there is no way I can be a bad cook—luckily I’m getting better by the day! I have found some great go-to recipes and my favorite would have to be The Pioneer Woman’s Sour Cream Noodle Bake. It’s delicious and easy to feed a crowd!

Sarah is very close with her parents, Stacey and Art, and tries to help them on the ranch as much as possible.

Sarah is very close with her parents, Stacey and Art, and tries to help them on the ranch as much as possible.

What is your favorite childhood memory? My favorite childhood memory is helping my dad AI cows on one of our Bureau of Land Management (BLM) allotments. We would set up a mobile breeding box every spring on a BLM allotment adjacent to the ranch. I would help him ride the range looking for cows that were showing signs of heat, then trail them back to the chute to be bred. I loved spending the time with my dad and learning about everything from the reproduction cycle of a cow to the history of the land. And it was a real treat when dad would find a horny toad to bring home and put in the aquarium (they never lasted long for some reason….)

What are some of your favorite pastimes and/or hobbies? Spending time with family is my favorite pastime. I have the cutest three nephews. My oldest nephew starts 4-H this year and our whole family is pretty excited to watch the next generation begin their career. I enjoy watching the junior shows around the state and our county fair and cannot wait to watch Wyatt this summer!

I also love exploring new places with my husband. Whether we are 20 miles from home on a Sunday drive or Mesa Verde National Park on our honeymoon, I love seeing new places and he is my favorite adventure buddy!

What is your favorite place to visit? I have always loved to travel. Growing up most of our family “vacations” were to deliver bulls, pick up a new herd sire, or dragging my steers and heifers to a junior show. And I wouldn’t trade it for the world! I enjoy exploring new country where ever that might be. However, after growing up and moving away from home and moving back again, I have found my favorite place to visit now is HOME. Spring Cove Ranch is the most beautiful place on earth and will always be my favorite spot to visit.

Be sure to keep up with Sarah’s daily life, by following her on Facebook and Instagram!

Categories: Beef, Blogging, Idaho Cattlewomen, Ranch Life

Women in Ag: Animal Health Territory Manager, Carmen Stevens

Carmen Stevens is a native Idahoan, and has lived in Gooding County for most of her life. She and her husband, Ben, have three children and one grandson.

How are you involved in agriculture and/or beef industry today? I am a Senior Technical Sale Representative for Bayer Animal Health. I work all across Idaho, Montana and Utah, calling on veterinarians, distributors, dealers and producers.

How has your life been shaped by agriculture and/or beef industry? As long as I can remember, I have loved livestock. When I was a young girl we had a foal that was injured and right then and there, I decided I wanted to be a veterinarian. I did not fulfill that dream, but that dream has been great help in guiding my life. Chances are I had no chance—loving agriculture is in my blood. My father’s family was Basque, and my mother came to Idaho as a young woman to teach school from Missouri. Her family farmed and had a grocery store. My dad was a good stockman and taught me a lot about cattle. Fortunately, I have been blessed to have had a lot of experiences both on the production side, as well as in sales.

Who inspires you or serves as a mentor? Anyone who is honest and true to their word! I have always admired people who are convicted and don’t change their beliefs because of the status quo. I have known a lot of really great people who will stand up and fight for what they think is right. I always looked up to those kinds of people, because a lot of people want to do what’s easy, instead of doing what’s right.

How do you provide encouragement to others? I provide encouragement to others by staying positive and maintaining a good attitude. Usually there are two ways to look at a situation. The one thing I have learned in life is that in the grand scheme of things, we don’t have a lot of control over stuff—but the better job we do of controlling the things we can, the easier life is.

Carmen is a big supporter of Idaho's beef industry; rarely missing a meeting, trade show, or producer event!

Carmen is a big supporter of Idaho’s beef industry; rarely missing a meeting, trade show, or producer event!

If given the chance, what message about agriculture or the beef industry would you share with a large group of people? Agriculture has treated me very, very well. It has provided me with a good living and given me the chance to meet some amazing people. I have travelled through some beautiful country, and have seen a lot of changes—with the majority of those being for the better. It’s great to be a part of an industry that’s essential to the survival of mankind. Agriculture often gets a bad rap—most of it being ignorance and a lack of desire to learn—but if you take the time to understand where your food comes from, you would be absolutely amazed.

What are you most thankful for? I am thankful to be a part of the livestock industry and a chance to share my knowledge with other people. I am thankful to be surrounded by people who share my ideals, my love of God, and pride for my country. I am blessed to have the support of my family, and a husband who doesn’t mind that I am gone for weeks at a time. I’m also thankful to have had the chance to raise my children in agriculture, and thankfully they’ve found a love for it, just as deep as mine.

What is your favorite meal to cook yourself or for others? I truly love beef! I love a good ribeye (Choice or Prime) seared in a hot cast iron pan and put in the oven, cooked to medium rare. I usually serve just a green salad and some sour dough bread with a glass of red wine. In my opinion there’s nothing better! I spend a lot of time driving and not too much time exercising, so it’s hard to follow the dietary guidelines for an aging woman. I really have a hard time not eating beef, twice a day, every day! Thankfully, it provides lots of protein and nutrients!

What are some of your favorite pastimes and/or hobbies? I love to bake and try new recipes….thank goodness for Pinterest!

Favorite store to shop in? Western Ranch Supply in Montana. I also like to shop in out-of-the-way places.

Favorite place to visit? Hysham, Mont., which is where my son Jack, his wife Kayla, and my grandson Jesse live.

Be sure to keep up with Carmen’s travels by following her on Facebook!

Categories: Beef, Blogging, Cattle, Idaho Cattlewomen

Women in Ag: Top Hand, Kara Kraich Smith

Kara Kraich Smith is a 4th generation rancher’s daughter raised in the sand hills of northeastern Colorado, where she’s still actively involved in her family’s stocker/feeder operation. She’s been an Idahoan for the past four years, after graduating from Texas Tech University with a Bachelor’s in Animal Science and a Master’s in Ruminant Nutrition from West Texas Tech, in Canyon, Texas. Upon moving to the Treasure Valley, Kara served as the Beef Quality Assurance Coordinator, before settling into a job with Newport Laboratories, where she currently works as their area Field Account Manager.

How are you involved in agriculture and/or beef industry today? My day job as the area field account manager for Newport Labs allows me to assist beef producers on a daily basis by partnering with them to solve animal health challenges through diagnostics and custom-made vaccines. I especially enjoy being the liaison between producers and veterinarians to help them with animal health issues they may be having on the ranch by coordinating diagnostic sample submissions and once the “bug” causing the problem has been identified, I work with ranchers and veterinarians to decide if a custom vaccine is right for their operation. In the Treasure Valley, I am also involved in organizations that support the beef industry—ICA, the Beef Council, Beef Counts and youth organizations shaping lives of young people who will be future leaders of our industry, including the working ranch project and FFA.

If you can’t find me out on the road with Newport Labs or in Boise, you will find my husband and me back on the ranch in Colorado. We spend as much time as possible helping on my family’s commercial stocker/feeder operation typically during branding, weaning, turning out in the spring and gathering yearlings in the fall to go into the feedyard. I still catch a sale with my dad from time to time and always enjoy helping wean calves in the fall. A wise woman once told me there is no one better than a lady to take care of high-risk weaning calves because we know which calves need to be pulled as “they look like they need a hug.”

How has your life been shaped by agriculture and/or beef industry? Agriculture has been the backbone of my life since I was born. My parents could always find me either horseback, in the calf pens or in the barn with all of my numerous critters! Agriculture and the western lifestyle are two things that I hold very near and dear to my heart and strive to better the industry every day in our cattle operation, employment and volunteer activities. Life lessons are best taught through trials and tribulations of hard work, entrepreneurial spirit, love of the land and God’s creations that epitomizes agriculture and the industry.

Kara and her husband, Jeff, will be celebrating their first year of marriage in the next coming weeks.

Kara and her husband, Jeff, will be celebrating their first year of marriage in the next coming weeks.

Who inspires you or serves as a mentor? Out of all of the many influences that have shaped me into the person I am today, one in particular stands out, and that’s my dad. He taught me to work hard, never give up, set a goal and don’t you dare quit until you reach it. He instilled a love for the western lifestyle and ingrained the lesson that we are the caretakers of the land and God’s creatures. He is as humble as they come, which is a quality of high regard, always drove home the concept that you should show respect and be deserving of it in return, and that honesty and integrity in your professional and personal life are above all important at end of the day. He exemplifies these qualities every day in the daily functioning of the ranch, involvement in the community and commitment to family. His lessons have served me well in every facet of my life and he was always supportive of my dreams from riding, roping, running yearlings, and he even put up with all the countless critters I brought home!

How do you provide encouragement to others? Encouragement can come in many verbal forms, but I prefer to lead by example. I’m of the mindset I cannot ask or encourage anyone to do something that I am not willing to do myself. Hard work and living a life that others can respect sets the stage to provide words of encouragement to others.

Kara always feels right at home on the back of a horse.

Kara always feels right at home on the back of a horse.

If given the chance, what message about agriculture or the beef industry would you share with a large group of people? Food is extremely personal to everyone and that is no exception to agriculture producers. We take immense pride in our role as caretakers of the land and animals and we strive to provide high quality, nutritious food to our families and yours. Every chance I get I share my story to an unsuspecting bystander (a little part of me feels a touch bad for the person sitting next to me on the airplane), but I encourage everyone involved in production agriculture to share their story. Consumers do want to hear from us; the vast majority do not understand what we do or how we do it.

What are you most thankful for? Being born and raised in the agriculture industry and having the privilege to work in it every day. I am truly blessed to be able to talk to beef producers across the United States, while being surrounded by and supported by loving family and friends. Life’s little treasures are watching the sunrise while gathering a pasture on a cool summer morning, long chats with family and friends while enjoying the sunset over a hot meal, helping a young person achieve their goals, and the opportunity to be involved in and shape the future of the industry I love.

What is your favorite meal to cook yourself or for others? I have to admit, my husband does the majority of the cooking when we are not on the road with our jobs. He’s a phenomenal cook and his Ribeye steak on the grill is by far my favorite.

However, when I do cook, the Crockpot is my go to, typically pot roast or stew, especially when it’s cold outside. For a special occasion, chicken friend steak with mashed potatoes and gravy would be at the top of the list.

Kara2What is your favorite childhood memory? Going to the sale barn with my dad. As a cattle buyer’s daughter I was immune to foul language, the smell of a sale barn and the hum of an auctioneer. But all of the cattle buyers always made a little girl with pigtails feel like she was at home. After a long day of writing down all the lots dad had bought and maybe catching a nap on the bench at the top of barn, I could always be cheered up by a Butterfinger from the sale barn owner.

One of my other favorite ranch memories was qualifying for the national high school rodeo finals on a mare we raised on the ranch. We are now raising colts out of her and they all are being used on the ranch.

What are your guilty pleasures in life? A good glass of red wine and anything made with peanut butter (sometimes a girl needs them together).

What are some of your favorite pastimes and/or hobbies? A quote from Augustus McCrae sums it up pretty well; “Ain’t nothing better than riding a fine horse through new county.” Other hobbies are breakaway roping, team roping, ranch rodeos, raising ranch horses, showing cow horses and ranch horse versatility shows—pretty much anything with horses and cattle!!

Be sure to follow along with Kara’s life in ag, on Facebook, and Twitter!

Categories: Beef, Blogging, Idaho Cattlewomen, Ranch Life