Tag: ranchers

Agriculture Links

Have you checked out our links page? We’ve included some great resources for finding out more about how cattle are raised, the health benefits and nutritional aspects of beef, new recipes for preparing beef and some fun facts about the agriculture industry.

We know consumers have a lot of questions these days about where their food comes from. We cattlewomen are still learning and also have questions about agriculture. Bottomline is as agriculturists, we have a strong tie to the land and animals in our care. Providing safe and nutritious food is our number one priority. We’re feeding our families too! Please know if you have any questions about your food or how it’s produced, you can reach out and ask. We’d love to hear from you!


Check out these other websites for more information on cattle and beef.

Explorebeef Explore Beef ~ www.explorebeef.org

Beef For Dinner Logo Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner. ~ www.beefitswhatsfordinner.com

Facts About Beef logo Facts About BEEF ~ www.factsaboutbeef.com



Animal Smart ~ www.animalsmart.org


Black ICA Logo2 Idaho Cattle Association ~ www.idahocattle.org

Idaho Beef Council Logo JPG Idaho Beef Council ~ www.idbeef.org

Beef Counts Logo-final--1-12-10 Beef Counts ~ www.beefcounts.org


Some Blogs We Like

Beef Matters

The Idaho Rancher’s Wife

Feedyard Foodie

Mom at the Meat Counter

Categories: Beef, Blogging, Cattle

Giving Tuesday

Your inbox and mailbox may have already been flooded with coupons for great deals and shopping on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday or Cyber Monday, but today we wanted to highlight #GivingTuesday, a one-day global event for charitable giving. After all this is the season of giving and we just celebrated giving thanks for all our many blessings.

The beef community came together in 2010 to create a rancher-led initiative to provide a more consistent supply of protein to those in need through The Idaho Foodbank. Partners include the Idaho Cattle Association, Idaho CattleWomen Council, Agri Beef Co., and the Idaho Beef Council. Through the program, ranchers can donate an animal to be auctioned off at participating auction yards around the state and the proceeds are used to purchase ground beef or roasts for the Foodbank. In addition, anyone can make a cash donation to the program, which will be used to purchase beef. Agri Beef Co., matches every donation, so every dollar donated goes farther. Since it started, Beef Counts has distributed more than 650,000 servings of beef—a complete, nutrient-dense source of protein, iron, zinc and B vitamins.

To learn more about the program, visit Beef Counts or The Idaho Foodbank.

You can Donate securely online today. Please indicate you want your donation to go to Beef Counts in the comment section of the online donation form.

You can also fill out and mail in this form. Click image to link to printable pdf.

Categories: Beef, Idaho Cattlewomen