Women in Ag: Idaho CattleWomen Chair, Robin Lufkin
We’re starting off this month’s Women in Ag feature with Robin Lufkin, a rancher from Leadore, Idaho. She is currently the Chair of the Idaho CattleWomen Council, having served in such capacity since 2013. Robin and her husband Carl (who currently serves as the President of the Idaho Cattle Association), have 3 kids and 4 grandsons.
How are you involved in agriculture today? For the past 16 years, my husband has managed a registered/commercial ranch; however, we just moved to our own ranch where we’ll be running a registered herd and having spring bull sales. The new ranch has kept us busy this year, as we’ve been building new corrals, fixing fence, and getting a calving shed built.
How has your life been shaped by agriculture? I would say that my life has been more than shaped by agriculture—it’s the way many generations of my family, and my husband’s family, have made a living. We’ve been in the cow business for 36 years, and now our kids are too! It seems like every day revolves around what needs done with either crops or animals.
Who inspires you or serves as a mentor? My mom—who’s almost 80 years old—but looks closer to 60! She has cooked lunch every day, her entire married life, for whomever works on the ranch. She doesn’t expect a lot of fuss over doing it, but she knows it’s a big thing for everyone who eats at her table. I think her cooking meals has also helped all of our family members get along better, because they have a time and a place to discuss what needs done on a daily basis. I really admire her fortitude.
How do you provide encouragement to others? I ranch with family and sometimes I think people just want to be heard, appreciated and included. By lending an ear, or an encouraging word, I think people can easily work out a lot of their own frustrations.
If given the chance, what message about agriculture or the beef industry would you share with a large group of people? That we are good people, trying to provide a great product, that is beneficial for everyone.
What are you most thankful for? That I really do have the opportunity to live a simple, wonderful life. I don’t always take the opportunity to do so, but I can make my life pretty simple and enjoyable if I choose. We live in a beautiful place, do what we love, go to bed tired, eat great food, have darling grandkids and have raised really nice kids. Some people never have it so good!
What is your favorite meal to cook yourself or for others? Probably meatballs and au gratin potatoes. That’s what I get the most compliments on, but I’m a baker at heart. I love to make anything with dough!
What is your favorite childhood memory? Just simple things like riding on the motorcycle with my dad to change water in the evenings, or him singing us silly songs. We were very poor, so we didn’t take big vacations or spend a lot of money. Our fun came from everyday things, eating together, talking at the supper table, helping hay, or moving cows.
What are your guilty pleasures in life? A new purse, a new cookbook, and a little bit of time to myself occasionally.
What are some of your favorite pastimes and/or hobbies? I love to read and knit.
Great read – nice job Robin
Very nice article and a really cute picture.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wow, Robin. So proud of you. You have said it all for many of us! Thanks to you and your family for representing agriculture and the beef industry so well.
Congratulations Robin, I so agree with you when you mention your mom being your mentor. She is mine too!
Thanks Kathy!
So glad to have seen this article, thank you Jana for posting it.Robin is an amazing person who is very humble here. I am lucky that our paths crossed in life and I am sure that she will represent the Cattlewomen exceptionally well. And keep reading!!
Thanks for reading, Diane!
I am interested in the organization. What do I need to do? Also, my grandfather’s last name was Lufkin. He was from Maine and moved west to Arizona. Could there be any relation. Not a common name.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for your comment. You can find more information about membership in our organization under the Membership tab at the top of the page. Robin’s email is under the About Us page as well. Take care!
Great story! The Lufkin’s are a wonderful family. My son was fortunate to work for them one summer. It’s an experience he’ll never forget. Glad to see they’re doing well.