Levi’s Lost Calf Children’s Book Giveaway Winner
Thanks to everyone who commented on our Levi’s Lost Calf book giveaway! The winner is Mandy Blank! Email us at info@idahocattlewomen.org to redeem your book!
Idaho CattleWomen , March 12, 2019
Thanks to everyone who commented on our Levi’s Lost Calf book giveaway! The winner is Mandy Blank! Email us at info@idahocattlewomen.org to redeem your book!
Categories: Blogging, Giveaway, Lifestyle, Ranch kids, Ranch Life
Tags: children's book, Giveaway, lifestyle, ranch kids, ranch life, ranching
Idaho CattleWomen , March 4, 2019
We’re so excited to share a book giveaway with you. This week is “Read Across America” Week and many kids are having special reading activities at school. It’s also Launch Day for a fellow cattlewoman as she sends her newest children’s book into the world. Amanda Radke is a rancher from South Dakota and has written two agriculture books for kids. We have a signed copy of her first book, Levi’s Lost Calf, to give away. Her second and newest book, Can-Do Cowkids, is now available too. Check out her website for more details on it.
So, how do get a chance to win?! Comment below with your favorite childhood book. Contest will remain open until Friday, March 8 at 5 p.m. A winner will be chosen by random and announced on Monday, March 11.
Categories: Blogging, Cattle, Giveaway, Lifestyle, Ranch kids, Ranch Life
Tags: Giveaway, ranch kids
Idaho CattleWomen , January 27, 2016
Hey folks! Can you believe this is our last full week of January?! That first month of the year always seems to go by fast! As you’ve probably noticed, we’ve got lots of fun stuff planned this year, and we don’t want you to miss out! The easiest way to keep up-to-date on what we’re doing is to subscribe to our blog, where you’ll have new ICW posts sent straight to your Inbox! And as a bonus, we’re giving away one of these super cool “Make Mine Beef” caps, to two lucky blog subscribers!
One of our favorite California cattlewomen, Brooke (who blogs at Meet Your Beef) designed these caps, along with lots of other fun “Make Mine Beef” goodies. If you’re interested in seeing what else she has, you can follow this direct link to her store.
Subscribing is easy….scroll about halfway down this post, until you see “Subscribe” on the right hand column (as illustrated in the picture below).
Afterwards, an email will be sent to your Inbox, confirming your subscription. All you have to do is click on the activation link found in the body of your email, and you’ll be set!
Categories: Beef, Blogging, Idaho Cattlewomen
Tags: beef, Giveaway, Idaho Cattlewomen, Make Mine Beef, Meet Your Beef, Year of Beef
ICW , January 9, 2015
So when I was thinking of the title of this post, I thought about calling it Date Night, because who doesn’t love a chance to get away with their significant other? However, I know sometimes “Date Night” with a rancher doesn’t always mean dinner and a movie. I’m sure other cattlewomen would also have stories of how plans for a romantic getaway changed quickly when the cows got out, the heifer needed help calving or how the loader bucket fell off and the cows still had to be fed. Anyway, those stories will have to wait for another day because today we’re actually giving away tickets so you might actually get a night out with your honey.
On Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015, the Idaho Beef Council and the Idaho Steelheads are collaborating for Beef Night on the Ice. There is special ticket pricing with $5 from tickets sold going to help Beef Counts (a program near and dear to our hearts). Beef Counts helps bring a consistent supply of nutrient-rich beef to The Idaho Foodbank and hungry Idahoans. An Idaho Steelheads game would make a great family-night activity too. You can find more information about the game here. Tickets can also be purchased through this link. Username/Password is beef.
I would love to have a date night with my hubby, but he’s actually out of town on ranch business that weekend, so instead we’re donating two tickets to be given away on behalf of Malson Angus & Herefords.
In addition, our ranching friends of Double J Ranch are donating another two tickets. Thanks J and J!
Yay-two separate chances to win two tickets each!
So, the giveway details: In order to be eligible, please at least one of the following. Each one counts as an entry, so up to 4 entries/person:
“Like” the Idaho CattleWomen Facebook page if you have not done so already.
Leave a comment here on the blog.
“Like” the link to this post on Facebook AND leave a comment about your favorite beef dish.
“Share” the link to this post on Facebook!
Comments will close at Midnight MST on Monday, Jan. 12, 2015. The winner will be drawn at random based on the entries received. The winner will be announced Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015.
What’s better than a fun night out with a friend or lover, watching Idaho Steelheads hockey, and supporting the Beef Counts cause?!
~ M
Categories: Beef, Blogging, Giveaway, Idaho Cattlewomen, Lifestyle
Tags: Beef Night, Date Night, Giveaway, ranch life
Idaho CattleWomen Council
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